GASP! After seeing this I just sat there with my mouth open for like 3 mintues just enjoying the image. It's not that I am a Link Fanboy. Never even played Zelda but this image is soo cool. The perspective, the drama, the coloring, the poses, all soo good! In addition, due to the stress in Link's face countra the shade version you can tell that this battle is not going well. However, what impresses me most is the perspective! I've tried to do renderings from this angle and it's a pain to get the forshortening and everything else to work and you my friend, nailed it! I can't really fault it other than I'd liked a more dramatic background to fit the scene. It might be that the background fits well with the scene from the game but being a newb without that knowledge I feel like more could have been done there. Perhaps some dramatic clouds at least? Amazing work!