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I get sad, impressed and excited when I see a piece like this with a description like the one you've given.

Sad: Because what you've done in 30 minutes is what I might be able to achieve in a day or two (but that's why I keep practicing :))

Impressed: Because the paiting, the brushstrokes, colorpalette, clear and conscious choices where to put detail to give depth are all spot on.

Excited: Because it all comes together ito such a nice, atmospheric piece! As I said, the choices where you've put emphasis on detail really pushes the arm into the foreground and the face into the background. Still the natural focalpoint is on that amazing helmet and there is such a nice threading of where you've put highlights and shadow that I sense my brain adding pieces to complete the charecter in spaces where there is only black. Amazing work.

My main grudge is that you only spent 30 minutes and that's why there are areas that could be refined more. Motivation to 4.5/5. Really cool though.

Vorzy responds:

Thanks for the feedback!, I think you are overestimating my artistic abilities hahaha :D Many are happy accidents if you saw how i paint, like a kid creating chaos with lego blocks XD

but yeah i did my very best in that timeframe to imply details where details don't really exist, and I plan to come back to it to make it a full illustration piece. many guys on twitter wants me to make it into a wallpaper.

This is a really cool image for several reasons,
1. The charecter looks so asexual, you titled it demoness, but due to the chin and small breasts it could almost be a male also. Since demons are... well demons. I actually think this estitic is much cooler than either the really muscular or extremly busty versions that we typically see.
2. The design of the charecter, the clothing and little details like the pendent and accessories on the horns are really nice.
3. Executionwise I love this type of brush, its coarse and there is meaning to every brushstroke, nothing is done without intention. Usually makes the piece very organic. What I'd wished however, is that you'd added a bit more detail, or finer quality to the face to give a natural focal point there. With the current composition there is already a natural focalpoint on the charecter herself as she sticks out so much from the background. However, I'd liked to be sucked more into the eyes. Although this is personal preference it is still my motivation to 4.5/5 since I feel a bit more could have been done.
4. The lighting is nice and atmospheric, had been awesome if you had just painted a small white square up to the left of the charecter like a door and then that she is standing in this wast nothingness. Had given a really creepy vibe I think but also a lightsource and depth to the piece.

However, overall, amazing work. Love it. Please give us more! :)

Vorzy responds:

wow thanks for the super helpful feedback! this is more than what I've expected at newgrounds(often times you hardly get any)

it's a habit of mine to use texture brushes to simply 'suggest' details and forms instead of actually painting it, saves both time and leaves the human brain the task of putting everything together.

I'm thinking of adding eyes, however the last time i attempted it it didn't end up so well, I'll take your suggestions in mind when i touch up further of this piece as i often do with many others to make them more finished looking, as many of your suggestions resonate with how i personally feel about this piece.

thanks again and i'm glad you like it.

Love the design of this, the charecter has a familiar yet unique estetic that sort of mixes Diablo with Pokemon in a way. Really cool. I also love the color palette, especially the reds and the coloring of the claws. They almost look like ruby's, which might be intentional but also really cool. I also like that the armor, together with the red bits make it difficult to tell if the charecter is a demon or robot or both or none of the above and just armor? The face is also really cool and has a strong feel to it and for some reason it feels like the charecter is blind? I draw this conclusion from the mask over his face and that he looks subterrestial? Might be my association with Diablo? ;)

If I were to give some critique I'd like to have seen a bit more contrast between the right side of his helmet and the metal piece on his chinn as they now meld together a bit too much making them hard to differentiate on the normal-resolution piece. On the highres it's easier but a bit more could have been done, perhaps some rimlighting or stronger shadow. Next, the anatomy is great but if I nitpick a little I think the angle of the claws on the right foot could be finetuned just a smidge. (Motivation for 4.5/5)

Otherwise a really cool charecter, also enjoyed the tiny backstory in the description :) Well done.

Undeadkitty13 responds:

so glad you like it <3

and thanks so much the critique,i see what you are talk about

Love the estitic of this image! The design of the charecter is so different and it's such a nice mix of octopus and human. It's such a fresh design also in comparison to the more "traditional" mermaids floating around the site at the moment. I particularly like the onconventional designelements that you've included such as the eyes and the octupus beak instead of teeth. Very nice. I also like the color contrast and palette with the greens and purples that interplay so great here. The pose and composition also makes it like she's floating. Finally, her expression is a nice mix of fear and confusion. Very intense.

If I were to give some critique I'd like to mention the pattern in the tentacles which I think break the flow of them a bit. On the other hand it adds to your unique estetic, but I'd love to have seen it band a bit to follow the shape of the tenacles. Next, the shading of the tentacles is a bit light in places, for instance the tentacle lowest on her right, the shadow towards the body is lighter than on the tentacle above, which seems counter-intuitive. (Motivation for 4.5/5)

Otherwise I congratulate you on an interesting and uniquely designed piece.

gatekid3 responds:

Welp, i got nothing to say to that, thank you for your critique and compliment

Really cool animation! In the thumbnail there was just a white square so I had to click on it and have a look. Then when the animation started my jaw dropped a little. Just the design of the first charecter looked so nice and then the action sequence that followed. Really cool.

I am not that into anime so I don't know if the transformation into cannons is novel or not. Heard about girls that turn into tanks but this seems more dragonballish to me. Regardless I love the concept and the animations of the guns and explosions are great. The moves the main charecter does to transform are also great and I love how his helmet melts away to reveal his face. Really nice work. Would love to see it in color.

It's hard to fault something like this bccause it exceeds my own abilities by so much but after viewing the animation a few times the only thing I can mention is that the charecter's face in the end looks a bit wonky. I think there is something with the eyes? Perhaps the spacing is too narrow or something. Also, the buildings in the explosion scene are a bit uneaven, which is fine but there is one or two that look thinner at the bottom than on top which gives a strange feel.

Overall though this is amazing work and my comments are minor details that I am more than sure you know already and might even fix in the future. If you decide to do fully rendered version in color, please share! :)

BinaryDood responds:

Thx man! As for the character's face, you would be right, its hard to maintain proportion and placement whilst having no onionskin. As for the building, I rly dont care lol

This was really cool and different. I've not seen anything like it and spontainously I start thinking about glass murials. Especially with the coat that I could see as glass. Further I like the motive itself withe the woman holding up the planets. I am sorry to say that I don't know the reference but I truely enjoy the painting. The overlay with the red universe with stars also sets a nice, friendly, mood and overall it feels very celestial. It simplistic but yet very interesting and deep. Can't wait for the rest of the serier :)

pwneropwnage responds:

Thank you for your kind words! It's from a scene in Steven Universe

I agree with the other comments that this is a great piece and I'm impressed how well the colors blend even though the painting is made in a traditional medium. Really cool. Further, what also impresses me is the glow of the lightsabers and ligthing in general, gives a really nice atmosphere to the piece.

As previously critiques Obi-wan's hand looks a little strange and Grievous seems to have lost and arm? I might be misstaken there. I'd also had liked to have seen some colored highlights as reflections of the lightsabers. (Motivation for 4.5/5)

However, overall this is really nice, the blending especially and how you've worked with the level of detail and resemblance of charcecters (as previously mentioned) to give depth to the image by pushing the less rendered droids into the background. Really smart and well executed design.

JellicleJunkyard responds:

Yup, I see that Obi Wan's hand and head are a bit too small. It's hard to change it now but I will take your criticism with me and do better next time. Thank you for motivating me to get better!

Interesting and fun charecter. The backstory seems unique and the execution of it here is really nice. The color palette (as previously mentioned) is great. The composition is great and the image has so much life. The pigs mouth almost looks in the midst of him shewing, giving motion to the image. Similarly the flies and smoke behind him adds to that effect. Very nice.

If I were to give some critism I just think you could have been just a bit braver with the contrast as it now looks a bit desaturated. I'd loved to have seen the basket in the foreground in a bit of darker nyans also to push it into the foreground and the hero into the background. Line-execution is however top-notch and super crisp.

Overall a really cool piece, makes me wanna take a look at the game :)

jouste responds:

hey thanks a bunch for your review!
good call on the contrast. all of the guys right here are approached in the same style so i wanted to keep them consistent but yeah it could use a couple bigger swings in that department.

thanks for the comment and the score!


Awesome, simply awesome! Where to begin. Well, first let's start with the colorpallette which is just a threat for the eyes. The colors just contrast so well but still in such a smooth way that is so easy to look upon. Next, the architecture and design of creatures, buildings etc is just great. It feels futuristic, rustic, steam-punk, etc. all at the same time whilst still being unique. Additionally, with the fisheye perspective just adds to how cool the piece is and the level of complexity it holds, which of course mirrors your skill. Truely amazing.

To give you some critique there are some areas that I think you could have, with your skill spent some more time refining, for instance the stairs to the righ which are a bit too uneven. I like that they are a little uneven, adds to the feel of the piece, but it's a bit to much there in the middle. The same goes for some of the lamposts that could have gotten some more attention to add to the depth. In general it seems that you've worked with having more detail in the foreground to give depth bt I just feel that some more could have been done there. (Motivation for 4.5/5).

Overall though, as I said, wow! Just awesome work :)

bimshwel responds:

Thank you for looking it over so closely and appreciating the effort this took! I will see if I can improve the zones you mentioned before I exhibit this off the internet. I definitely did not feel in control of the lamps, and was primarily fixated on getting them remotely in perspective, and wanted a break afterward.

Not quite sure what I'm looking at but it intreages me! The snailing creature with the mouth that looks like a door and the chair. It doesn't make sense really yet I feel that I want to know and I keep coming up with different scenarios. As I said, intreaging.

I like the colorpalette of the piece, and for some reason it feels to me to be under water and I almost get a spongebub vibe. Not sure the latter was what you were going for but this is like a darker more edgy variant. Like Spongebob the nightmare...

To give you some critique the shading in some places variies a bit, for instance on the barnacles of the shell but it's no mayor issue. The one second from the bottom could have gotten some more light I guess. Next the perspective of the chair seems a bit off. The leg further away from us is a bit thinner than the leg closes to us and seems to be a bit too far away to fit with the area where you sit. Also, I get that you have worked with a one point perspective but I think you might have overdone it a little on the chair, but it's such a small fault that I am nitpicking at this point. Still though these points movitate my 4/5.

Overall an interesting piece. Well done.

dogmuth-behedog responds:

Thank you so much for the critique, i will practice on it. :D

Hi, I'm a PhD in Software Engineering that uses art as an escape from my work. I like to draw but also to work in other media such as putty, which I've used to build my award winning showcars.



Blekinge Institute of Technolo

Joined on 5/26/17

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