
90 Art Reviews

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This is a really cool charecter. I don't know enough of the lore to really comment on its uniqueness but I like it. The mix of the bird and a human estetic is spot on and it fits nicely into the Zelda universe I think. I also like the color choices with a nice blend of greens and reds that give a very balanced impression. The choice of background colors fit excentuate the colorpalette of the cloths perfectly as well. Really nice and I love the abstract background! I might borrow that idea from you in the future! :)

When it comes to the execution I can't really fault it. The fact that you've worked with a gradient in quality with higher quality in the face of the charecter is great! Wished I had that fingertip feeling for how to do it as it creates a natural focuspoint in her face and in particularly those eyes of hers that give her so much charecter! She's really like, "so, what are you gonna do about it?". Really cool.

If I had to give some critique I think that some of the shadows around the livery could have been a bit smoother and perhaps not quite as dark. I also would have liked to have seen a bit darker shadow on the wings to separate the "arm" of the wing from the feathers a bit more. Finally the "wrinkles" or whatever you call it on the feet could have been a tiny bit darker. However these are all nitpicks as they at the same time provide the aforementioned focal point but still my motivation for 4.5/5.

Overall a really cool charecter and style. Congrats

This is really cute. Great charecter design and I almost get a whole Romeo and Juliette vibe from the image, almost as if they are meeting in secret. I base this on their feathercoats where the left one is more masculine and dark (perhaps a tad evil) and the right one looks more nobel with those headpieces and colorful feathercoat.

I also like the painting style with more detail in their faces and less as we move out from them giving a nice focal point in the middle of the image. The right griffins face, due to the highlight, does however steal the attention and I'd loved to have seen some counterbalance to place the focus, perhaps, more neutral between the two. However, this is just subjective, personal opionon! I still think the image composition is great.

Further I must commend the light rendering with the rimlighting of the left griffin. Looks really nice. The fact that each stroke on the topof the head ends in a few tiny strokes really gives that feather feel. A very nice touch and something I might borrow in the future :)

My main quirks with the image relate to the background, which looks a bit flat due to its bright coloring and how high the trees are. I'd loved to have pushed it all down a little to give more depth to the image. You've done a good job in rending the trees in less detail that has that effect but it had been nice to see more of it. Further, a very vague white/yellowish aura around the griffins had also gone a long way to push them more into the foreground and seperated them from the background giving more depth. These points are my motivation for 4.5/5.

However, I still really like this image! The stare "she" is giving "him" (Since I am assuming genders, sorry ;)) are great and I almost would like to know the story behind them as I opened up with. Romeo and Juliette or baddy and the princess or just male/female or? Intreging! Well done!

StarksNotDead responds:

Thank you for such a detailed review! o: So the left one is male and the right one is female, you guessed :) He's a wild boooi and she used to be a rich family's pet and got lost and then he found her, if you want to know the story :D I agree that the right one looks a bit off and draws too much attention, probably 'cause she has a lot of white parts which are sure to stand out, I don't know how to fix that yet, though.

I saw right away who you'd depicted, really well done. The pose, clothes, estetic, etc. all fit together so well. I love the dres, her hair and the crown. All really well painted and shadowed. The blending on the creaves in the dress could have been a bit better in places. For instance in the cress to her furthest right (left in the image) the shadow could have been smoother/blended together. Additionally, her fingers/hands look a bit odd but still fit with the estetic, I just wished her left hand had been a bit bigger as her forearm and hand now looks a smaller than her right hand. Howevver, I'm nitpicking! The piece is great and the fact that I saw directly who it was is awesome. I also like that you've got a gradient in terms of quality of the brushstroke that gives a natural focus point on the face that is more detailed than the rest. Really nice work.

My eyes widened as I opened this image and when I clicked the highres my jaw dropped a little! The impact of the hit on the bridge is just amazing! So is the perspective, angle and composition of the piece. I also like the color palette and the artistic style, reminds me a little of the older animated comics like Asterix and Obelix if you've seen it?

I read your description and don't know the reference so I'll just stick to this being mostly your own creation and then I must commend the dragon design. It looks really fierce and with the colorchoice and the design of the scales it looks like a really tough dragon, i.e. hard scaled creature. This adds to the image as the crash looks intentional, as this is something it intended to do rather as a fluke. That gives the dragon intelligence and paints a whole story almost that it is attacking the city deliberately and not just for the sake of attacking it. Very cool. The little people falling of the bridge are also a nice touch and their poses are great. I can almost hear the screams as they fall.

My main critism is the dragons right arm that has lost a bit of sharpness and saturation, which might have been intentional to push it into the background, but I think a bit too much has been lost and would have liked to have seen it be a bit sharper but perhaps with the same saturation. My second little querk is the wing up to the right which I don't quite understand how we can see the wing both infront and behind the "leg" for the lack of a better word. However, these are nitpicks as the image overall is just... striking to look at. Great wok :)

Lefvaid responds:

Thanks for the critique! You are totally right about that arm. Went to far with the atmospheric perspective thing. Bout the wing, I did not managed to make it read properly now that you mention it. Searching for reference of that species of dragons, they have the wing's membrane both over and under the "arm" thingy. But I guess that if you don's show the tip of the wing, or at least a big part of it, it looks confusing.

Art if I ever saw it! The choice to put the highly rendered alien in a photo background is genious! Connects it directly to Rosswell. Further, the design of the alien is really cool. It builds on the traditional Gray design but you've made it your own with all the wrinkles and especially the mouth. The coloring of the alien is also spot on with the background, both the skin and eyes and I could really see this as a print on a T-shirt or a poster that they would be selling on the Alien Highway in Nevada :)

Additionally I like the subtle shading in addition to the linework and even though I'd like to give some critique that you should've done more shading to round of the limbs, especially arms, I don't want to say that! I think the piece is great the way it is and that you really nailed a uniques estetic. Really cool and unique.

TheMarooned responds:

AAAh! thanks so much dude! That was the coolest comment I've ever gotten for my art. I checked out your art and there's some really cool shit going on, i'll have to keep an eye out for your stuff. I really appreciate the comment!

I'll start with a disclaimer that I don't know all the pokemon but I've seen a few so I feel like this fits the bill! I think the concept is quite nice, instinctively I think about the turtles in mario for some reason and the fire levels but still in the pokemon universe. Further I love the expression as it almost looks like he's sneezing, which makes the fireballs quite nice since they could then be incidental as well as a weapon. That adds some comedy to the image which I don't know if its intentional or not, but still nice. The fire itself looks awesome and I'd love to know how you've done it?

Further, the perspective, composition and backround of the image are great (Especially background with text about Galapagos) since they make the turtle look huge which I think is the intent? Further I like the subtle cartoony shading under the shell, around the eyes, legs, etc. as well as the smoth color transitions on the front of the turtle and the shell.

But I also have some critique. First I think the shadows and sky are too dark, i.e. black. You should have gone with some darker reds instead. Further, given the Pokemon universe they seem to work a lot with contrast colors to make things pop out. Thus you could have considered a wider colorpalette, perhaps with some greens or blues in the background. The mountains and ground could have worked well in a grayish blue I think and still captured the galapagos environment. I'd also liked to have seen a vague auro of white around the turtle to push it a bit more in the foreground and that the mountains where even a bit paler than they are and perhaps even a bit blurry to really push them backwards. These points motivate my 4/5.

Still, I really like this concept and think it would be a cool pokemon to fight with :) Very cool.

EdoNova87 responds:

thanks :D

This was a fine charecter! It almost feels like an iProduct of some sort but you've clearly made it your own. The strong pose is nice and there is clear movement in the image. The shading is also quite good, especially on the leg that is furthest back in the image, gives a nice sense of depth. The foreshortening of the legs and the angle of the perspective are both also very nice as they are a bit trickier with that low camera.

What could have made the image better i think is that you'd worked a bit more with shadows and perhaps made them more distinct in places, i.e. with less feather. Now they are a bit too soft and on the white part almost looks like diret more than shadow. I'd also like to see where the red lightsource glowing on the leg and back is. The red dot above his head can't really reach there. Finally, the angle of the front leg seems just a tad too high at the knee but that's just me nitpicking but still the motivation for 4/5.

Overall a nice, friendly, concept and I like that it looks like it is wearing clothes even though it probably isn't? Leaves some things for the imagination. Very nice.

This is a really cool piece! If I didn't know better, as you said it was an old charecter that you've redrawn, I'd say this is the mix of Mercy from Overwatch if mixed with Itchigo in from Bleach when he becomes "evil". However, you've clearly made it your own and I love the design of her armor, the poseand the artstyle. The artstyle almost feels animeish with the armor, but the paiting style seems western and the two meet perfectly in the image.

I also love how there is movement in the image as it almost looks like she just swished her left arm backwards pulling the cloud infront of her! Super difficult to make smoke/clouds move naturally without just looking like smudges, but you've pulled it off. Might not have been intentional, but I still think it's great.

The colorpalette is also nice and the sense of depth is emense! Really nice.

My only quirks with the image are that her upper torso seems a bit thinn or something? Some minor prooportion thing that bugs me but I can't quite put my finger on it. Could also be the red armour assessory that does it. It should be on her stomach i guess, but it disappears neatly around her stomach on her right side, should have been raised a bit as it goes around the edge I think? I also think the shadows are a bit uneven in places, i.e. too dark in some places and light in others where they should have been equally dark (motivation for 4.5/5). Some examples are on the right side of her neck that seems too dark, same above the breast on her left side, where is that shadow coming from since the light is coming from the right. Small twirks like that

Regardless though, I am nitpicking and trying to come up with things to comment! Overall the image is great and I wish there was a quick way to see the old one to see how you've improved :) Great work.

AlexRO-PS responds:

Thanks for the comment!

I also never get quite satisfied with the shadow distribution since the idea was that the light came bursting from 3/4 angle or so, and yes, I also get some "nitpicking" with the anatomy since I wanted to make it feel like it was an "organic" armor like it was "infected/corrupted" by angels so I had some troubles making it look right

As for the comparison with the old one, there you go: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2zL5B

I spoiled this by accidentally watching your wip first. This is really cool and even though I havn't see the anime, only the dreadful movie, I can see how you buffed him to 99. Also, you've managed to age the charecter yet still keeping him resembable, not only because of the obvious arrow on his head but also (as far as I remember) through his general face shape.

Further, the pose of the charecter, the composition and depth of the image are great! The fact that depth is created by you mastering both how to shade items from light to dark to add depth but also in how detailed you've made the brushstrokes is really well done. I wish I mastered that as well :)

My my problem with the charecter is his anatomy. The pose is good and proportios seem okey but his torso is too thinn I think. Looks a bit unnatural. I think it's a combination of the arch of his coat on his right side in combination with how slim the coat sits over his ribcage on his right side. It seems a bit too thinn and angled (motivation for 4.5/5).

Overall though, the image is awesome and beyond all I must give you praise for your ability to draw rocks! They look AMAZING, even better in the high-res. So congratulations to an awesome piese :)

AnhLe responds:

Thank you Alegroth for your wonderfully detailed and in depth response to my piece. I completely agree with you on the anatomy problem of the upper right torso; anatomy has always been my weak point but I'll try my best to improve in that area for the future. It was so nice of you to give the time to comment on my work, thanks again :)

Now this is really cool! Love what you've chosen to accentuate to make her level 99. The weapon, muscles in the legs, etc. all fit that theme. Further, you can still easily see who you have rendered and because of how you've drawn the background with less detail gives some nice depth to the image. I'd love to have seen some more detail in her face to give a clear focal point there but overall the image quality is great.

The main thing that bugs me with the image is however her right leg. I think you should be able to see a bit of her foot from this angle? I guess it could be behind her tigh but because of this design choice she almost looks like an amputee. Not sure if that is the plan though as her left arm also looks a bit... well... cut off :) So if that's the purpse, please just ignore this comment but still motivation to 4.5/5.

Otherwise I really like the colorscheme, how the background colors fit in hue with Tracer. The anatomy overall looks good, the perspective as well. A great piece. Well done!

Pheature responds:

Thank you very much, for this lovely critique. I've noticed a lot of people assume she's an amputee. That's just a fatal mistake on my part :/ Did a straight 11 hours on this piece, so must've just been blinded. Thanks again!

Hi, I'm a PhD in Software Engineering that uses art as an escape from my work. I like to draw but also to work in other media such as putty, which I've used to build my award winning showcars.



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