This is really cool, love the magic which almost reminds me of the matrix code so I can't quite tell if it is technology or pure magic (as I don't know the charecter, or should I even know her?). Regardless a great piece and I like the brushstrokes in her outfit. The foreground (rain?) is a bit intensne for my taste but that's purely subjective, I think overall the piece holds up well. Something that I'd love to see, which I myself struggle with, is that you'd faded the quality of the brush from the face outward. What I mean by that is that the quality of the face is much higher than the body. If her upper body had been painted with as much quality as the face the piece had been even better because you would have gotten an even more natural focus point in the face. However, as what I am suggesting is SUPERDIFFICULT, I must also state that the current image is really awesome as it is. Very well done but I'll still rate 4.5/5 because I see the potential for it to be even more awesome! ;)